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Latest Recipes           Back to Store Site4-5 lbs Beef Chuck Roast
ΒΌ cup Olive Oil
ΒΌ cup Light brown sugar
ΒΌ cup Paprika
3 tablespoon Cajun seasoning
1 tablespoon Salt
1 teaspoon Chili Powder (go as hot as you like)
1 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper (more if you like it hot)
Add oak wood chips to your smoker.
2. Preheat smoker to 225 degrees.
3. While the smoker is heating up, rub olive oil on the chuck roast. Be sure to cover thoroughly.
4. Place rub ingredients in a shallow bowl and mix together thoroughly.
5. Coat the entire roast with the rub, being as generous as possible.
6. Place roast in the smoker and let it smoke for one hour for every pound of meat.
7. Check meat temperature during last hour of smoking. If you want to slice the meat, remove when it reaches 165 degrees. If you want the meat to fall apart, remove when it reaches 190 degrees.
8. Let meat rest for 20-30 minutes before slicing or serving
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